Monday, May 21, 2018

Final Week of School

Dear 4C,

What a joy it has been to be your child's teacher. It is always bittersweet this time of year. After all this time bonding and learning from each other, it's time to let go and send them off to become 5th graders. How they've grown in mind, spirit, and body!

This will be an action-packed week.
Important Dates:

  • Monday is a full day. Tuesday -Friday are early release days (dismissed at 12:30). There are no clubs this week.
  • Monday-Wednesday (May 21-23) - Historical figure presentations - including souvenir
  • Thursday (May 24) - History Field Day (uniforms are mandatory, wear sunscreen)
  • Also on Thursday: 5th grade commencement 6:30-8:00
  • Friday (May 25) - Kinder commencement 11:00-12:30
  • Friday, May 25th - Last day of school
  • Friday (June 1) - Q4 evaluations posted at 3:00
Academics this week:

We will finish up our unit on poetry and enjoy participating in Reader's Theater. We will have Spalding this week with a test on Friday. 

In math, we will finish the unit on graphs and do a perimeter/area activity.

We will finish our study of germs and the body, in science.

This week in history students will present their historical figure research on Monday-Wednesday. Final typed drafts of the research essay are due on Tuesday. On Thursday we will have our end of the year celebration!

I'm glad that I'll get to see many of you on Thursday at our history celebration. Thank you to all who are donating their time, food, and props so that it will be a success!

Thank you for a GREAT year!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Quarter 4

Dear 4C Parents:

Wow! We are almost at the end of the year! 

Thank you so much for the acts and words of appreciation. It truly has been a blessing to be your child's teacher this year!😊

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, May 15th - Birthday Book Club for May and June
  • Wednesday, May 16th - fingerprinting event - 8-10 a.m.
  • Saturday, May 19th - End-of-Year Pool Party - information to follow
  • Monday, May 21st - Full day
  • Tuesday, May 22nd-Friday, May 25th - Early release each day


Academics for the week:

We will continue our unit on Poetry in literature.

We will wrap up the unit on Volume with a quiz on Wednesday. Then we will learn about different kinds of graphs.

This week in science, we will finish up animal classification and we will do a mini-unit about germs and the body.

In history this week students will continue editing their history essays and turn in their typed rough drafts on Thursday. We will also begin learning about national symbols and begin our study of the U.S. Constitution.

Important Dates for history project:
Typed rough draft due Thursday
Typed final essay due Tuesday, May 22
Historical figure presentation and souvenir: May 21-23

Monday, May 7, 2018

Quarter 4

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, May 10 - 6:30-8:00p.m. - Parent Positive Series - Painting With Parents (Adults only)
  • Reminder: The last week of school is May 21-25. Monday the 21st is a full day but Tuesday-Friday will be early release (12:30).


Academics for the Week:

In Literature, we’re finishing Carry On, Mr. Bowditch on Tuesday. This is definitely one of the class’s favorite books this year and I’ll be sorry to see it end! The students will write a 5-paragraph essay on Thursday describing three virtues Nat shows throughout Carry On, Mr. Bowditch.

This week in math, we will be starting a short unit on volume. There will be a quiz next week.

We will finish the unit on plants with the test on Monday. Our next subject will be animal classification. 

In history this week students will begin writing their introduction paragraph in class on Monday. We will be editing paragraph 2 on Thursday and Paragraph 3 on Friday in class. We will also continue our study of the Revolutionary War and British shifting the fighting to the Southern Colonies and culminating with the surrender at Yorktown. 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Quarter 4 Week

Dear 4C Parents,

Wow! Just 4 weeks left in the year. The time is flying by. 

Important Dates:

  • Monday, April 30th - Birthday Book Club
  • Thursday, May 3rd - Archway Art Show
  • Friday, May 4th - No School, Grading Day

This week in Academics:

In Literature, we’ll continue following Nathaniel Bowditch’s adventures. On Wednesday, there will be a short vocabulary quiz.

This week in math, we’ll wrap up our unit on area and perimeter with a short quiz on Wednesday. On Thursday, the students will take a network-wide Singapore test, to help the teachers assess how far they have progressed in their mathematical knowledge this year.

We will continue studying plants in science. I will hand out the study guide on Monday and the test will be the following Monday, May 7th.

In history this week, we will review our sources pages to ensure students are making good progress on their historical figure research. We will learn about the Continental Army's first major victory at Saratoga, and the difficult winter at Valley Forge. The essay outline will be due on Thursday this week.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Quarter 4 Week 6

Dear 4C Parents,

I have been encouraged by how seriously the students have been taking AIMS and AZ Merit testing. They have been taking their time on the tests and checking their work. I'm glad they are practicing the skills now that will help them later. 

Important Dates:

Wednesday, April 25th - AZ Merit - Day Two of Reading and Math
Thursday, May 3rd - Archway Art Show
Friday, May 4th - no school - grading day

Academics this Week:

In Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, we’ll follow Nat as he continues to travel around the world and begins to discover his life work: writing a guide for sailing that any common sailor could read.

This week in Math, we will explore area and perimeter. We’ll start with a review of area and perimeter of rectangles and squares. We will then discuss finding the area and perimeter of composite figures.

We will begin our unit on plants in science this week. We will look at the difference between vascular and non vascular plants and learn about photosynthesis. 

In history this week we will review for our test on Thursday. Study guides will be filled out in class on Monday and can be used to study each night. We will review in class on Tuesday. On Thursday, Students will also receive their rubric, outline and more information about their 5-paragraph essay on a historical figure from the American Revolution. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Quarter 4 Week 4

Dear 4C Parents,

The children did a great job at the Spring Concert! It was a joy to hear them after all the practice they put in.

Important Dates:

Saturday, April 14 - Feed My Starving Children Service Event 

Academics This Week:

As we read through Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, we have had some thoughtful discussions on how Nathaniel Bowditch handled the suffering and hardships of his life (of which there are many). He is truly a marvel and tremendous example of hard work, resilience, and perseverance.

In math this week, we will be defining and identifying quadrilaterals and different kinds of triangles. We will also identify and make lines of symmetry. 

We have been having so much fun learning about and exploring magnetism. This week, we will begin to see the relationship magnetism has with electricity. The students will need a 9-volt battery for Tuesday.

This week in history we will continue our study of the years leading up to the American Revolution. We will focus on the taxes imposed on the colonists, the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Quarter 4 Week 3

Dear 4C Parents,

It's already April! I hope you had a good holiday break. This week will be full with the AZ Merit writing portion and the Spring Choral Concert.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, April 3rd - AZ Merit Writing
  • Thursday, April 5th - Spring Concert
  • Saturday, April 14 - Feed My Starving Children Service Event   

Concert Information:

Thursday, April 5th at the Higley Center for the Performing Arts located at 4132 E. Pecos Road Gilbert, AZ 85295.
The K-2 concert will be 5:30-6:30 p.m. with students arriving at 5:00 p.m.
The 3-5 concert will be 7-8 p.m. with students arriving at 6:30 p.m.
The attire for concerts is as follows:
Boys: Black pants, white dress shirt, black dress shoes, and black socks. Hair should be combed neatly.
Girls: Black skirt (black tights optional), or black dress pants, white top, and black dress shoes. Hair should be styled neatly.
Working with your children is a delight and privilege. We look forward to enjoying this beautiful event with you.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or
Thank You,
Rachel Boswell and Sharon Rockmaker
K-2 Music Teacher and 3-5 Music Teacher
Archway Classical Academy │Lincoln


Academics This Week:

We will continue reading Carry On, Mr. Bowditch. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Chapters 1-6 on Wednesday.

In math we will learn how to recognize and draw perpendicular and parallel lines.

This week in science, we will learn about the properties of magnets and do some demonstrations to show the magnetic field. At the end of the week, we will begin to see how magnetism and electricity are related.

This week in history we will learn about the years before the American Revolution and the events that would eventually spark the war. We will look at the French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, and the British taxes imposed on the colonies. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Quarter 4 Week 2

Dear 4A Parents,
We had a good week back from Spring Break. The fourth quarter tends to fly by. I hope we continue to enjoy the learning process, as we have many interesting things left to learn this year. In April, we have all the AZ Merit tests. Please look at the previous post for the dates for those. 

Important Dates:

  • Re-Enrollment Period 3/1-3/29
  • March 28AIMS Science - 4th Grade only
  • March 30 - No School - Spring Holiday
    **Save The Date**
    Archway Lincoln’s Spring Concert
    Higley Center for the Performing Arts
    Thursday, April 5th 
    K-2   5:30-6:30 pm
    3-5   7-8 pm 

    Academics this week:

    In Literature, we will continue reading Carry On, Mr. Bowditch. Please have your student continue to study vocabulary words at home, as we will have a quiz next week.

    This week in math, we will focus on measuring and drawing angles. Please make sure your child has a protractor, as they will need it every day this week! If you are not able to find one, you can print one out from this link: protractor.

    On Monday and Tuesday, we will review some concepts from science this year. We will take the AIMS test in science on Wednesday, and on Thursday, we will begin our unit on magnetism and electricity.

    This week in history we will begin our study of the American Revolution. We will focus on the founding of the colonies, daily life for colonists and the feuds between the British and the French for control of North America. 


    Dear Parents and Guardians,

    Your child will be taking the AIMS Science Test and AZ Merit Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Tests in the coming weeks. Testing will begin promptly at 8:15am and students will have until the end of the day to complete the scheduled exam. Upon completion of testing each day, students should engage in a quiet activity like reading a book or solving word puzzles, so please send your child to school with something to do when s/he finishes. Instruction in the classroom will continue as normal upon completion of testing each day, and neither homework nor tests will be scheduled on AIMS, nor AzMERIT testing days. Just as we always encourage healthy habits, during testing week we especially stress the importance of a good night’s rest and eating a well-balanced breakfast. We also ask that students come to school with a water bottle and healthy snack to eat between tests. 

    Your children may naturally be curious about the test. If prompted, simply give them a few words of encouragement to try their best and to enjoy the challenge. To learn more about this test, please click to be brought to the AzMERIT website. You can find the testing time table below. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Marzulo or Mrs. Stecker. 

    Fourth Grade Testing Schedule 

    AIMS Science 3/28/18 AZ 
    Merit Writing: 4/3/18 AZ 
    Merit Reading & Math Day 1: 4/20/18 
    AZ Merit Reading & Math Day 2: 4/25/18


    There was a mistake on the school’s calendar on the website.  It said we have a Parent Positive Speaker with Toyin doing Growth Mindset.  This was cancelled about a month ago. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Monday, March 19, 2018

    Quarter 4 Week 1

    Dear 4C Parents,

    I hope you had a fun and restful Spring Break. Josh is away at training for the military. I enjoyed spending time with my parents and sisters this week. I'm looking forward to all of the things we will learn in the fourth quarter.

    Important Dates:

    • Re-Enrollment Period 3/1-3/29
    • March 22 - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Parent Positive - Growth Mindset with Mrs. Atolagbe
    • March 28AIMS Science - 4th Grade only
    • March 30 - No School - Spring Holiday
      **Save The Date**
      Archway Lincoln’s Spring Concert
      Higley Center for the Performing Arts
      Thursday, April 5th 
      K-2   5:30-6:30 pm
      3-5   7-8 pm 

      Academics for the week:

      On Monday, we start Carry On, Mr. Bowditch in Literature. This week the students will write a diary section and an opinion paragraph. We will also discuss superstitions.
      Link to amazon: Carry on, Mr. Bowditch ISBN: 978-0-618-250745

      This week in Math, we are starting a new unit on Geometry. We will learn about different types of lines and angles and learn how to measure angles. Please have your child bring in a protractor; we will begin using them on Friday.

      We will review many of the areas we have studied so far this year in science. We will also introduce forms of energy and conservation.

      This week in history we are continuing our study of Arizona. We will focus on the transition of Arizona from territory to state. We will also examine the 5c's and other factors that led to the settlement of the Arizona territory. 

      Tuesday, March 6, 2018

      Quarter 3 Week 9

      Dear 4C Parents:

      This week is going to fly by. I have a feeling everyone is ready for Spring Break. I hope it will be a fun and restful time for us all!

      Important Dates:

      • Re-Enrollment Period 3/1-3/29
      • Thursday, March 8 Athletic Field Day - I will send an email with information about this event so you and your child will know how to prepare.
      • March 12-16 - Spring Break
      • March 16 - Report cards will be posted at 3:00 pm
      • March 22 - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Parent Positive - Growth Mindset with Mrs. Atolagbe
      • March 28AIMS Science - 4th Grade only
      • March 30 - No School - Spring Holiday
        **Save The Date**
        Archway Lincoln’s Spring Concert
        Higley Center for the Performing Arts
        Thursday, April 5th 
        K-2   5:30-6:30 pm
        3-5   7-8 pm 


        This Week in Academics:

        We will finish up Wizard of Oz on Tuesday and take the final assessment on Friday. We will also review theme, cause and effect, and inferencing.

        This week in math, we will wrap up our study of the four operations of decimals. We’ll discuss special cases in decimal division, practice word problems with a mix of the four operations, and conclude with a unit test on Thursday (test day) and Friday (corrections day).

        In science this week, we will learn about common cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

        This week in history we will continue our study of Arizona history. We will focus on the Spanish influence in Arizona starting with the conquistadors searching for the fabled Seven Cities. We will discuss the major Indian people the Spanish encountered and how their relationships developed. We will end the week by learning about the Mexican War for Independence and the Mexican-American War and how they shaped our state. 


        Mrs. Sarnataro

        **(below is a message from our music teachers)

        Greetings Archway Lincoln Parents
        and Guardians,
        Believe it or not, the third annual mandatory Archway Lincoln Spring Concert is fast approaching. It will be held on
        Thursday, April 5th at the Higley Center for the Performing Arts located at 4132 E. Pecos Road Gilbert, AZ 85295.
        The K-2 concert will be 5:30-6:30 p.m. with students arriving at 5:00 p.m.
        The 3-5 concert will be 7-8 p.m. with students arriving at 6:30 p.m.
        The attire for concerts is as follows:
        Boys: Black pants, white dress shirt, black dress shoes, and black socks. Hair should be combed neatly.
        Girls: Black skirt (black tights optional), or black dress pants, white top, and black dress shoes. Hair should be styled neatly.
        Working with your children is a delight and privilege. We look forward to enjoying this beautiful event with you.
        If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or
        Thank You,
        Rachel Boswell and Sharon Rockmaker
        K-2 Music Teacher and 3-5 Music Teacher
        Archway Classical Academy │Lincoln

        Tuesday, February 20, 2018

        Quarter 3 Week 6

        Dear 4A Parents,

        I hope you are enjoyied this 3-day weekend!

        Important Dates:

        • Thursday, February 22 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm -Parent Positive Speaker - Organization Skills For Your Child Archway Lincoln MPR
        • Re-Enrollment Period 3/1-3/29
        • Saturday, March 3 @ 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm - Mother Son Game Date - more info coming
        • Thursday, March 8 Athletic Field Day (4C students need to wear a brown t-shirt and our Greek city-state is Corinth.)
        • March 12-16 - Spring Break
        **Save The Date**
        Archway Lincoln’s Spring Concert
        Higley Center for the Performing Arts
        Thursday, April 5th 
        K-2   5:30-6:30 pm
        3-5   7-8 pm 

        Academics for the week:

        We will continue studying characterization in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This week we will focus on the Wizard. We will make predictions, look at sequencing, and go over conflict/resolution. In grammar, we will do some more editing, diagramming, and dictionary skills. 

        In math this week, we will continue to practice subtracting decimals and learn how to solve word problems involving decimals.

        In science, we will review for the test on Thursday, February 22nd. We conclude our experiment with the sugar water solution on Wednesday and will begin our unit on electricity on Friday.

        In History this week we will begin our first research essay focusing on an Arizona landmark. This essay will need to be worked on for homework throughout the week and will be due on Monday 2/26. In class we will discuss finding sources and completing the paragraph outlines. On Thursday the outline and sources page will be due and on Friday we will peer edit and begin working on our rough drafts in class. Over the weekend students will type their essay. 

        Thank you for all you do to help your child succeed as a scholar and as a good and kind individual. It is a blessing to partner with you!

        Monday, February 12, 2018

        Quarter 3 Week 5

        Dear 4C Families,

        Great Hearts Day, Feb. 14
        At Archway Lincoln, we will not celebrate Valentine’s Day as it is traditionally celebrated in schools, but will instead celebrate Great Hearts Day on Wednesday, February 14th. Our class will have a short celebration, the focus of which is on friendship and kind-heartedness, not gifts and candy.

        Our classroom liaison and I will plan a celebration during which the students will enjoy activities that recognize what it means to be a good friend. Our hope is that each child is celebrated for the ways in which he or she demonstrates Friendship in our classroom and community.

        Please remember that students are not to bring in any Valentine’s cards or treats for their classmates. We will take care of showing our appreciation for our friends during our party. If any student brings in Valentines or candy, we will need to put them in the backpack to be returned home.

        Thank you for your consideration of this special day and the establishment of traditions here at Archway Lincoln!

        • Wednesday, 2/14 - Great Hearts Day 
        • Monday, 2/19 - Presidents' Day - no school

        Academics this week:

        In ELA this week, we will focus on transition words and cause and effect. We will write the plot of one of the chapters in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and use it to work on editing skills. In grammar, the focus will be progressive verb tense and diagramming. On Friday, the students will recite the poem "Fog" by Carl Sandburg.

        This week in math, we will start to study the four operations of decimals. We will spend most of the week practicing adding decimals, then move on to subtraction by Friday.

        We will learn about mass and volume and how they relate to density. We will study the periodic table and learn some common elements we use everyday. We will learn about solutions and do an experiment to create crystals from a solution.

        In history this week we will review the 5 regions of the United States for our quiz on Tuesday. After our quiz we will begin our study of Arizona's 3 regions. Students will be able to identify the 3 regions and the main features, rivers and lakes of each. Later in the week we will turn our attention to how we learn about history and the differences between primary and secondary sources.  On Friday students will begin their Arizona landmark essay. 


        Please bring in Box Tops, if you have been collecting them. 

        Monday, February 5, 2018

        Quarter 3 Week 5

        Dear 4C Families,

        We will continue learning about plot and characterization in literature this week. In grammar, our focus will be on defining and identifying clauses and relative pronouns and adverbs. We will also work on dictionary skills. The students will get a new poem to learn which will be recited the week of 2/12.

        In math this week, we will be wrapping up our unit introducing decimals. We will practice rounding decimals, review the unit, and take our unit test on Friday.

        This week in history we will continue our study of the 5 regions of the United States. We will focus on the Mid-West, West and the Southwest this week. Students will learn about the land, climate, plants, animals and industry of each region. We will have a test on the 5 regions on Monday 2/12.

        In science, we will learn about the respiratory system. We will review the CVS and Respiratory system for the quiz on Wednesday. We will begin our next unit on chemistry by learning about matter and atoms.

        Sunday, January 28, 2018

        Quarter 3 Week 4

        Dear 4C families,

        I was sick on Friday so, black folders will go home Monday. 

        This week we have our field trip on Friday to MIM! Please make sure your students arrives on Friday by 8:00 am sharp.


        In math this week, we will continue studying decimals by introducing the thousandths place. We will have a short quiz over decimal concepts covered in the last three weeks (tenths and hundredths) on Thursday. There will be a unit test on Friday, Feb. 9.

        As we start The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, we will focus on theme, setting, and characterization. The students will be introduced to plot. Please make sure your child brings their book to school on Monday. On Friday, once we are back from the field trip, we will take the Spalding test and recite "Clouds".

        This week in history, we will take our Kingdoms of Africa quiz on Monday. On Tuesday, we will begin our study of Arizona history. The focus of the week is the regions of the United States. Students will explore the 5 regions, their climates, landmarks, cultures and how they differ from Arizona. 

        In science this week, we will continue to learn about the cardiovascular system. We will learn about the parts of blood and blood types.