Sunday, March 25, 2018


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Your child will be taking the AIMS Science Test and AZ Merit Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Tests in the coming weeks. Testing will begin promptly at 8:15am and students will have until the end of the day to complete the scheduled exam. Upon completion of testing each day, students should engage in a quiet activity like reading a book or solving word puzzles, so please send your child to school with something to do when s/he finishes. Instruction in the classroom will continue as normal upon completion of testing each day, and neither homework nor tests will be scheduled on AIMS, nor AzMERIT testing days. Just as we always encourage healthy habits, during testing week we especially stress the importance of a good night’s rest and eating a well-balanced breakfast. We also ask that students come to school with a water bottle and healthy snack to eat between tests. 

Your children may naturally be curious about the test. If prompted, simply give them a few words of encouragement to try their best and to enjoy the challenge. To learn more about this test, please click to be brought to the AzMERIT website. You can find the testing time table below. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Marzulo or Mrs. Stecker. 

Fourth Grade Testing Schedule 

AIMS Science 3/28/18 AZ 
Merit Writing: 4/3/18 AZ 
Merit Reading & Math Day 1: 4/20/18 
AZ Merit Reading & Math Day 2: 4/25/18


There was a mistake on the school’s calendar on the website.  It said we have a Parent Positive Speaker with Toyin doing Growth Mindset.  This was cancelled about a month ago. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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